Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy


At we value your privacy. My name is Bria Burton and I'm an independent author. The purpose of this website is to provide information about Author Bria Burton (me), my books, and my writing.

Your Personal Data: I do not collect, store, or sell your personal data when you visit Google is the data processor for through Google Sites. You can read their privacy policy to view how they will collect, store, and/or use your information:

Here is a detailed explanation of how Google uses ads, cookies, and how you can control the info that Google collects from you:

Redirect Links: I do not sell my books on this website. There are links you can click in order to purchase my books from other websites such as Amazon. When you choose to click a link that redirects you to another website such as Amazon, be sure to refer to that website's privacy policy if you are interested in learning how that website collects, stores, and/or uses your data.

E-Newsletter Subscription: There is a link on this website to subscribe to my e-newsletter. If you would like to sign-up for my e-newsletter, you can click the link and you will be redirected to a Mailerlite form which is GDPR compliant. The purpose of collecting your name and email address for the e-newsletter is as follows: Author Bria Burton will use the information you provide on the subscription form to be in touch with you and to provide updates about her writing, publications, author appearances, and giveaways. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from her, or by contacting her at She will treat your information with respect. She will not share any of the information you provide through the Mailerlite Subscription form with any third party.

Regarding Payanywhere: For anyone I meet in person who purchases a book from me via the Payanywhere POS, which involves swiping a credit card in order to purchase a book, there is data that I collect from you in order to process your credit card payment which includes your name, your address, and your email address. This collection is only for the purpose of identifying you as the card holder, and for the convenience of using a credit card as a payment method. I will not share, sell, or give away your data to any third party. I will only contact you through the information you provide if there is a problem with your payment, or if you request that I contact you for any reason. A receipt is optional and you may choose to receive a receipt via email or text. If you choose to receive a receipt via text, I will then collect your phone number in order to have the receipt sent to you. I will not share, sell, or give away your phone number should you choose to provide it. Please refer to Payanywhere's privacy policy if you are interested in learning how that website collects, stores, and/or uses your data, which can be found here:


When you are browsing at, which includes viewing the home page and/or any other pages or subpages of, you are agreeing to the use of cookies on this website.

This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse.

Here is a detailed explanation of how Google uses ads, cookies, and how you can control the info that Google collects from you:

If you would like to know why cookies are used on Google and Google Sites, and why some cookies are necessary for proper website function, here is the explanation from Google:

Here is a website that explains how to manage cookies, including how to delete them:

If you prefer to turn off cookies in your browser, you are free do so, but that might mean you will have difficulties navigating You can choose to turn cookies on in your browser if you wish to view at full functionality. You can also choose to exit the website if you do not agree with the cookie policy.

Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy last updated 8/1/2024.

Contact Bria Burton via email at with any questions or concerns.